USDAC Welcomes 10 New Outposts!

A few months ago the USDAC put out a call for groups of Citizen Artists to form local Outposts committed to enacting USDAC values in their community. It’s our pleasure to introduce the newest Outposts to join our national network. These dynamic groups are situated in rural communities, urban centers, and college towns. They champion issues ranging from equal representation in the arts to creating space for artistic action based in love and care, to holding dialogue for community transformation, and much more.

Here they are! The USDAC is pleased to welcome these 10 new Outposts to the network:

You can check out all twenty-two of our Outposts here. If there’s one near you, click the link and sign up to receive news about local activities and opportunities for engagement and collaboration. If you’re interested in forming a new Outpost, stay tuned: we’ll be issuing another call for Outpost applications in the fall.

As always, reach out to us with any questions or feedback at