The People's Bureau of Energy, Power, and Art
Coming up
This summer, the EPA is supporting the USDAC network to think about a GREEN NEW DEAL!
What’s that? The Green New Deal is an ambitious proposal that flips our fear of climate change on its head—a proposal rooted in a broad vision of social, economic, and racial equity that turns this emergency in to an opportunity to revitalize our own society and infrastructure, build the foundation of true sustainability, and address longstanding inequalities. Learn more about our summer call series!
Who we are
THE PEOPLE’S BUREAU OF ENERGY, POWER, AND ART (EPA) is dedicated to climate and environmental justice through creative intervention and participatory arts. The planet is in a crisis that is spiritual, moral, economic, and socio-political all at the same time. We know that artists have a special role to play in confronting this big crisis; cultural work helps knit these together these different layers of our experience in service of sustainable solutions. The EPA works in conjunction with other USDAC agencies and initiatives to weave ecological imperatives and learnings in to all of USDAC’s work and network.
We aim to:
CULTIVATE CREATIVE INTERCONNECTEDNESS: How can the People’s EPA create more avenues for artists to learn from and inspire each other to grow our ability to support local and trans-local climate justice efforts?
SHIFT NARRATIVE: How do we be the storytellers that we know our movements require, ones who speak from the intersections and overlaps of many parts of our climate crisis?
BUILD POWER: Is there a way for a home for climate arts to help narrow the gaps between the ways our society deals with climate change as a spiritual and moral crisis, and as a political and economic problem?
Questions? Email Bureau Chief Rachel Schragis at
Logo designed by César Maxit