Washington, D.C., Field Office

Description: [NOTE - The DC Field Office is in transition...More details to come!] The DC Field Office promotes, disseminates, and enacts US Department of Arts and Culture values in a way that reflects the distinct culture, challenges and opportunities within Washington, DC.

The DC Field Office is a hybrid group: 

  • We are a community of citizen artists; 
  • a coalition of like-minded organizations; 
  • a convener 
  • a communicator of USDAC values
  • a curator - highlighting local arts activists and the rich histories of the city while imagining 2034 and finally
  • a gateway into connecting arts and culture to public life in DC. 

The goals of the DC Field Office (2014 - 2015) are to: 

  1. Make local change (that’s rooted in our vision for a world full of empathy, equity, and social imagination.)
  2. Amplify the work of DC socially engaged artists and organizations making change. Our strategies and tactics for each goal are informed by community members and priorities of our partner organizations. 


More Information:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/usdacdcfieldoffice/

Contact: More details to come.