Meet the USDAC
Excerpts from the 2016 People's State of the Union.
Catch a glimpse of Emissaries from the Future activating #DareToImagine nationwide. Oct. 2015.
This video documents the 2015 People's State of the Union action, featuring footage from story circles nationwide and an excerpt of the Poetic Address.
A reel from our first Imaginings in the summer of 2014.
Deputy Secretary Norman Beckett invites you to step up as a #CitizenArtist.
Announcing the Super Participatory Arts Coalition, call for projects.
In search of an office, the Deputy Secretary heads to NYC and shares: "Culture is a human right."
A Fireside Chat announcing the 2015 People's State of the Union.
The USDAC invites Citizen Artists into its pop-up headquarters; "everyone is a creator of culture."
The USDAC hits the streets and hops a train to spread the message: "cultural diversity is a social good and the wellspring of free expression."
Founding Cultural Agents Prepare to Imagine Locally
As Germantown prepares for the Philadelphia region's Imagining event, Cultural Agent Yolanda Wisher speaks to what she hopes comes of #Imagining2034. "How can the power of art create progress that doesn't involve displacing people or dismissing local culture?"
Cultural Agent Roseann Weiss summons Citizen Artists to the St. Louis Imagining in July, 2014.
And a Healthy Bit of Pushback...
Protesters known as "the Grays" take their stand against creativity, empathy, and collaboration in Kansas.
Conservative pundit, Glenn Beck, denounces the USDAC on The Blaze TV. October 17, 2013.