The super pac micro-grant application deadline has passed. Thanks to all who submitted! We'll be in touch soon.

We’re seeking USDAC Super PAC projects that:

  • STIR MEANINGFUL CONNECTION and conversation in this polarized moment
  • DISRUPT NARRATIVES OF HATE, uplifting love, connection, and equity
  • REMIND US that those who came before us fought for our rights (including voting)—rights many don’t use
  • EMBODY WHAT DEMOCRACY ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE, reminding us that democracy depends on our voices being heard.

Projects must be participatory, replicable, public,, and free to participate in. (See general examples of high-impact low-infrastructure projects here.) To make it easy to replicate your project anywhere, the budget should require no more than $300 in out-of-pocket costs (no limit on scrounged or donated materials or space, though).

Submit your project idea by May 10, 2016. Ten microgrants of $300 will be awarded, $150 payable upon acceptance and the balance on receipt of photo and video documentation of the project. Prototype Projects must be completed by July 15, 2016. Projects selected for microgrants will be featured on the USDAC site and in the toolkit for the major public rollout of the USDAC Super PAC in the early fall.