The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture is building a world where every cultural organizer feels connected to and recognizes their critical role in a vibrant movement for liberatory change.

What is a cultural organizer?

A cultural organizer utilizes a blend of strategic action and multidisciplinary creative practices to activate social change. They work to impact material change in people’s lives - politically, socially, ideologically and spiritually.

They are loyal to the connections they hold to people, community, land, and ancestry and see those connections as a strength. They actively center the people and communities who have been at the margins, while bridging themselves and others to a powerful vision of a liberated future.

Creative practices might include:

  • Visual Art 

  • Dance 

  • Theater 

  • Music 

  • Story Circles

  • Gardening

  • Somatics 

  • Narrative Shift

  • Language Revitalization 

  • Sharing Food 

  • Healing Medicines 

    ...and many more!