Explore CULTURE/SHIFT 2016
CULTURE/SHIFT 2016 was held November 17-19 in St. Louis, Missouri. The event was powerfully positioned to generate and amplify creative strategies for change, equity, and belonging, bringing art to the heart of social justice and community. The convening was anchored by RAC’s Community Arts Training (CAT) Institute (the longest-running sustained training program of its kind in the country.)
Immediately following the presidential election, Citizen Artists came together to heal, connect, strategize, organize and create—all in a spirit of serious play and serious impact. Through a rich mix of hands-on workshops, performances, interactive art-making, and public talks and actions, we explored how artists and allies can organize for full cultural citizenship. CULTURE/SHIFT 2016 was a creative encounter designed to maximize imagination, serendipity, boldness, impact, and meaningful connection.