CULTURE/SHIFT 2018 Schedule
CULTURE/SHIFT 2018 kicked off on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 1 and wrapped with a closing party on Saturday, Nov. 3. We invited attendees to linger on Sunday for other exciting New Mexico excursions (more info below!).
Go back to main CULTURE/shift event page.
Stay for more!
Sunday, November 4: Although CULTURE/SHIFT 2018 is officially over, your visit doesn't have to be! Here are two other amazing events you may want to stick around for with other USDAC comrades and CULTURE/SHIFT attendees:
All Day: Indigenous Comic Con — "The Indigenous Comic Con seeks to highlight the amazing work that brings understanding about the Indigenous experience to the world of popular culture and unlock the Indigenous imagination!" Our partners at Indigenous Comic Con will be running busses from downtown Albuquerque to the event site. Day passes are only $20.
2:00pm-6:00pm: Muertos y Marigolds Parade — Now in its 26th year, this annual festival rooted in Albuquerque's South Valley is a true community arts legend. The celebration's mission "is to exert cultural self-determination, strengthen community, and promote cultural exchange through intergenerational learning and expression through art, music, culture, food, dance, and political satire." The USDAC will have an official spot in the parade and all CULTURE/SHIFT attendees are welcome!!!
Photo Credits: Larry Lomas