The USDAC is an ongoing project conceived by Adam Horowitz, Arlene Goldbard, Cordelia Istel, Hannah Merriman, Duncan Wall, Dana Edell, and Stephanie Johnstone.
Through interviews and conversations, dozens of individuals have contributed to its development (though are not responsible for current programming). They include, but are not limited to: Marcy Arlin, Caron Atlas, Daniel Banks, Jack Becker, Eric Booth, Andrew Boyd, Kevin Bott, Alexa Bradley, Jeff Chang, Emma Shaw Crane, Kathy Engel, Lee Sunday Evans, Caleb Hammons, Jonathan Harris, Morgan Jenness, Stanley Katz, Liz Lerman, Todd Lester, Roberta Levitow, Jessica Litwak, Randy Martin, Liz Maxwell, Grace Needlman, Rachel Parish, Rachel Plattus, Marlene Ramirez-Cancio, Lisandra Maria Ramos, Yosi Sargent, Levana Saxon, Alissa Schwartz, Baraka Sele, Niegel Smith, Doris Sommers, Aaron Stern, Molly Sturges, Caridad Svich, Carlton Turner, and others.