USDAC Citizen Artist Salons are video-based gatherings and learning calls that deepen dialogue on specific themes and allow promising projects, ideas, and possibilities to circulate throughout the USDAC network. Each Citizen Artist Salon features guest presenters, open space for group conversation. and highlights opportunities for action and connection across the USDAC Network. We will keep a growing repository of recordings from Citizen Artist Salons on this page for anyone to access.
Check out the recordings from this three-part series of calls with artists, organizers, scientists and others to unpack the policy and science behind a Green New Deal—and dream into the cultural strategies and creative actions that can help make it real.
Hosted in partnership with 400 Years of Inequality: A People’s Observance for a Just Future, this salon explored place-based creative strategies for truth-telling and collective healing.
In this Citizen Artist Salon, we’ll get ready for the Global Climate Action Summit by hearing from leaders of three projects centering art to build power and confront the climate crisis—and we’ll discuss ways that we can all step up our creative action.
Art & Well-Being Citizen Artist Salon takes place on Wednesday, July 25 at 6pm EDT/3pm PDT. Join John Govea, Marina Tsaplina, Veena Vasista, and Arlene Goldbard to talk about what you can do to build a culture of health.
The USDAC launched #HonorNativeLand, a campaign and call to action to spread the practice of acknowledging the original Native inhabitants of the land at the opening of all public gatherings. In this Salon, we’ll be joined by culture-bearers, leaders, and activists to discuss the practice of acknowledgment, how it fits into a larger framework of truth, decolonization, and reconciliation, and how to move beyond beyond acknowledgment in our organizations and communities.
If you’re engaged in artistic response to build caring, protest, or resilience in the midst or wake of crisis, if you work with a funder or emergency management agency, or if you’re considering getting involved and want to know more, this video is for you.
Learn how to adopt a Policy on Belonging and spread the #RightToBelong far and wide.
Ever heard of #SalsaShutDowns to boycott companies with exploitative labor practices? How about NewYorkTlan, an indigenous language and cultural festival that reunites families from both sides of the border? Wondering how you can bring your creativity to the fight for immigrant rights?
In this session, you’ll hear from several USDAC organizers across the country who've hosted story circle events for different groups and audiences.
Join this Citizen Artist Salon to learn all about the USDAC Super PAC and how you can step up to create a Super Public Act of Compassion or Super Participatory Act of Culture.
What can we learn from the past that will help us call a new Culture Corps into being now? What might a 21st century Culture Corps look like? What can we learn from people who are experimenting with both public and private arts job creation today? Three presenters with knowledge and experience to share will lead an interactive discussion that just might send out sparks.
What can we learn from the past that will help us call a new Culture Corps into being now? What might a 21st century Culture Corps look like? What can we learn from people who are experimenting with both public and private arts job creation today? Three presenters with knowledge and experience to share will lead an interactive discussion that just might send out sparks.
Across the country, “Creative Placekeeping” has come into usage as a counter to Placemaking. Placekeeping as the active care and maintenance of a place and its social fabric by the people who live and work there. It is not just preserving buildings but keeping the cultural memories associated with a locale alive, while supporting the ability of local people to maintain their way of life as they choose.