Citizen Artist Salon: #HonorNativeLand

Citizen Artist Salon: #HonorNativeLand

The USDAC launched #HonorNativeLand, a campaign and call to action to spread the practice of acknowledging the original Native inhabitants of the land at the opening of all public gatherings. In this Salon, we’ll be joined by culture-bearers, leaders, and activists to discuss the practice of acknowledgment, how it fits into a larger framework of truth, decolonization, and reconciliation, and how to move beyond beyond acknowledgment in our organizations and communities.

Standing for Cultural Democracy: The USDAC’s Policy and Action Platform

Standing for Cultural Democracy: The USDAC’s Policy and Action Platform

We offer this platform to amplify ideas that can advance social healing and bring us closer to a future that countless Citizen Artists have told us they wish to inhabit: cultural democracy grounded in equity and engagement; full cultural citizenship, belonging without barrier; and deep respect for the right to culture—expression, participation, recognition—underpinning any just and caring society.

Policy on Belonging

Policy on Belonging

We the people have the power to enshrine the #RightToBelong as public and private policy. A policy is a kind of pledge to guide future action. When an agency or institution adopts a policy, they are saying, “Hold us accountable to this.”